The world of software development 🤓

Gain exciting insights behind the scenes of individual software development.

Office building at Länggassstrasse 7 in Bern
Office building at Länggassstrasse 7 in Bern

07.06.2024 · 3 min read

Move to the new office

After five exciting and insightful years at Aarbergergasse 46, we have packed our boxes and moved.

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04.04.2024 · 16 min read

Integration of a Notification-System with Novu: Is it really worth it?

Implementing a notification system raises numerous questions about its execution such as what channels should be used. In this post we'll take a look, if integrating a notification infrastructure helps to speed up the process.

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Serverless functions
Serverless functions

07.03.2024 · 7 min read

Serverless Functions: Easy scalable functions in the cloud?

What are serverless functions and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

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Our thumbnail for our Video
Our thumbnail for our Video

04.05.2023 · 3 min read

Insights behind the scenes

We made a video! Including funny bloopers at the end.

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Picture of an iPhone with the calculator app running.
Picture of an iPhone with the calculator app running.

31.03.2023 · 8 min read

What does an app cost?

Find out what it costs to develop an app.

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Devedis website
Devedis website

30.01.2023 · 2 min read

Our brand new website

With our new website, we want to underscore the strong growth we experienced the last few years.

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