Competitive advantage thanks to artificial intelligence.
Benefit from the benefits of artificial intelligence thanks to automation, personalization and data-driven insights.
- Identification of use cases that are ideally suited for AI
- Seamless integration into all peripheral systems (from CRM to ERP)
- Engineering excellence that inspires and makes plan B obsolete
48% of Swiss SMEs already have a rudimentary AI strategy.
SME portal, admin.ch
Would you like to integrate AI or develop an AI strategy? We analyse the current state of technology, identify relevant pain points and help set the right priorities based on cost-benefit considerations.
In this way, thanks to the sensible use of AI, you directly create added value. This allows you to increase sales and reduce costs.
In this way, thanks to the sensible use of AI, you directly create added value. This allows you to increase sales and reduce costs.
You know your use case.
We know the AI to make it happen.
We know the AI to make it happen.

Understanding AI, building knowledge and strengthening corporate competencies together as a team

AI presentation


In the afternoon
brainstorming session

In the afternoon

We present the strengths and risks of artificial intelligence
In doing so, we jointly build up a basic understanding of artificial intelligence and report on use cases which can quickly lead to added value for start-ups, SMEs and large companies.

Identify pain points
Together, we identify complex processes and repetitive tasks in the company. We use this as a basis for further development of possible AI use cases.

brainstorming session
Together with the team and the presented AI use cases, we develop possible solutions. We discuss these together with developers from devedis.

Prioritize features based on cost and effort
We then prioritize the features according to effort and provide our expert knowledge of what needs to be considered during implementation. We also provide an estimate of effort and costs.